150 research outputs found

    The role of expert systems in federated distributed multi-database systems/Ince Levent

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    A shared information system is a series of computer systems interconnected by some kind of communication network. There are data repositories residing on each computer. These data repositories must somehow be integrated. The purpose for using distributed and multi-database systems is to allow users to view collections of data repositories as if they were a single entity. Multidatabase systems, better known as heterogeneous multidatabase systems, are characterized by dissimilar data models, concurrency and optimization strategies and access methods. Unlike homogenous systems, the data models that compose the global database can be based on different types of data models. It is not necessary that all participant databases use the same data model. Federated distributed database systems are a special case of multidatabase systems. They are completely autonomous and do not rely on the global data dictionary to process distributed queries. Processing distributed query requests in federated databases is very difficult since there are multiple independent databases with their own rules for query optimization, deadlock detection, and concurrency. Expert systems can play a role in this type of environment by supplying a knowledge base that contains rules for data object conversion, rules for resolving naming conflicts, and rules for exchanging data.http://archive.org/details/theroleofexperts109459362Turkish Navy author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Use of Sports Science Knowledge by Turkish Coaches

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 8(1) : 21-37, 2015. The purpose of this study is to examine the following research questions in Turkish coaching context: a) What are coaches’ perceptions on the application of sport science research to their coaching methods? b) What sources do coaches utilize to obtain the knowledge they need? c) What barriers do coaches encounter when trying to access and apply the knowledge they need for their sport? In addition, differences in research questions responses were examined based on gender, years of coaching experience, academic educational level, coaching certificate level, coaching team or individual sports, and being paid or unpaid for coaching. The participants were 321 coaches (255 men, 66 women) from diverse sports and coaching levels working in Ankara. The questionnaire “New Ideas for Coaches” by Reade, Rodgers and Hall (2008) was translated, adapted into Turkish, and validated for the current study. According to our findings among Turkish coaches, there is a high prevalence of beliefs that sport science contributes to sport (79.8%);however, there are gaps between what coaches are looking for and the research that is being conducted. Coaches are most likely to attend seminars or consult other coaches to get new information. Scientific publications were ranked very low by the coaches in getting current information. The barriers to coaches’ access to sport science research are finding out the sources of information, being able to implement the sport science knowledge into the field of coaching, lack of monetary support in acquiring knowledge, and language barriers. Also, differences in perceptions and preferences for obtaining new information were identified based on coaches’ gender, coaching contexts (i.e., professional-amateur), coaching settings (i.e., team/individual), and their other demographic characteristics (i.e., coaching experience, coaching educational level, and coaching certificate level). Future coach education programs should emphasize the development of coaches’ competencies in identifying and accessing eligible sports science knowledge sources and lack of money for acquiring information while also tailoring the messages based on differences in coaching contexts, coaching settings, and coaches’ demographic characteristics so as to ensure successful knowledge transfer

    A critical approach to game studies : analysis of Fallout 3® as an example of non-linear gameplay

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    Ankara : The Department of Graphic Design and the Institute of Fine Arts of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 80-84.Contemporary video games are unlike their pioneering counterparts, almost completely changed in all possible ways ranging from, the hardware that the games are run on to their usage of narrative elements and how one experiences games. They are not just another medium for human expression, rather a phenomenon that combines many elements from different forms and create something unique; a cultural artifact. This thesis aims to approach the field of video game studies, and compile and combine the existent research and establish an improved understanding of the video game as a cultural artifact. It will introduce the world of video games, by explaining the aspects that constitute the phenomenon and compare and contrast the previous attempts to consolidate a framework approaching from different fields of media. Furthermore, by the use of the computer role playing game (cRPG) titled Fallout 3, the study will utilize an analysis of it through the implementation of the methodology and toolsets suggested by researchers such as Espen J. Aarseth and Jesper Juul, and study the subject of nonlinearity and its effects to the gameplay experience, thereby utilizing both a playing analysis and non-playing research. In the course of the study, a general area of game and gameplay will be researched prior to the detailed exemplification of those subjects by using the aforementioned game title.İnce, Levent YM.S

    Farklı işletim sistemlerinde bulunan pencereleme tekniklerinin üniversite öğrencileri tarafından değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu çalışma ekseninde geliştirilen Pencereleme Teknikleri Değerlendirme Formu (PTDF) aracılığı ile üniversite tekstil bölümü öğrencilerinin ilgili işletim sistemleri hakkındaki görüşleri alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, yaş, cinsiyet, kullanılan işletim sistemi, tercih edilen işletim sistemi gibi özellikler eşliğinde kullanıcı tercihlerinin nasıl şekillendiği incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Marmara Üniversitesi Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi Matbaa Bölümünde 2003-2004 Akademik Yılında okumakta olan 25’şı kız ve 20’si erkek olan toplam 45 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Bu kişiler, araştırmada kullanılan Windows XP ve Mac Os X işletim sistemlerinin ikisini de kullanmakta ve bilmektedirler. Çalışma sonucu Windows XP ve Mac Os X işletim sistemlerinin pencereleme teknikleri ve grafik arayüz özellikleri incelenerek birbiri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçta sistemlerden herhangi biri kullanışlılık açısından ötekinin aleyhine anlamlı bir üstünlük sergileyememiştir. Diğer yandan Mac OS X’in pahalı sistem gereksinimleri ve yeterli olmayan yazılım desteği bilgisayar eğitiminde sınırlılıklar olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Mac OS X arayüz ve kullanım özellikleri ile alanında farklı olmayı başarmaktadır, ancak bu farklılık diğer sisteme alternatif olmayı sağlayamamaktadır

    Health-Related Work Loss: Wellness Profiles of Information Technology Employees

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    Understanding health-related work loss and creating a comprehensive approach requires the identification of lifestyle behavior patterns. An essential part of this process is the examination of different profiles within the target population to develop effective intervention strategies. This study explored the wellness profiles of information technology (IT) employees regarding lifestyle behaviors and health-related work loss. The cross-sectional study surveyed 405 employees (174 women and 231 men) in six cities in Türkiye to examine lifestyle behaviors (exercise, nutrition, stress management, health responsibility, mental development, and interpersonal relations) and health-related work loss (presenteeism and absenteeism). Data analysis was conducted using independent samples t-test, ANOVA, multiple linear regression, and two-step cluster analysis. Regression findings indicated that physical activity, nutrition, and stress management behaviors statistically predict work performance in IT employees (

    Improvement the thermal performance of Myristic acid

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.This study mainly focus on two aspects; the first one is to increase the thermal conductivity of Myristic acid with graphene additives and the second one is to determine the influence of this increment on the melting duration of a particular encapsulated thermal energy storage system with PCM. As a result, thermal conductivity of composite myristic acid increased by 8%, 18% and 38% after graphene loadings of 0.5%, 1% and 2% into the pure MA, respectively. Besides, one-dimensional spherical computational domain has been considered, and the conduction dominated phase change process simulated with implementing temperature transformation method. Validity of the current code has been revealed by reproducing a numerical work in literature. For this particular case, it is found that the increments of 8%, 18% and 38% in thermal conductivity tend to reduce the total time of melting by 5.6%, 15% and 26%.dc201

    Youth athletes' developmental outcomes by age, gender, and type of sport

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the athletes’ perceived developmental outcomes of competence, confidence, connection and character (the 4 Cs) in a competitive youth sport context with respect to age groups (12 – 14 vs 15 – 18-year-old), gender (girls and boys) and sport type (individual vs. team). Participants were 314 athletes (173 girls, 141 boys) and 31 coaches (5 Women, 26 Men) from artistic gymnastics, basketball, football, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Data were collected by the adapted and validated form of Positive Youth Development Measurement Toolkit. According to the findings, older group of athletes (15 – 18 years of age) had lower scores than their younger counterparts (12 – 14 years of age) in all of the developmental outcomes. Girls scored lower in competence outcome, while boys had lower scores in connection and character outcomes. Moreover, team sport athletes had lower scores in competence outcome (p < .05). The findings were discussed with the extant literature, and programmatic suggestions for future studies were provided

    Türk infaz hukukunda koşullu salıverilme ve koşullu salıverilmede süreler

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    Koşullu salıverilme, kesinleşen hapis cezasını cezaevinde çeken hükümlünün, kanunla belirlenen bir süreyi cezaevinde iyi halli geçirdikten sonra cezası henüz tamamlanmadan belirli şartlar dâhilinde tahliye olması işlemidir. Koşullu salıverilme ile hükümlünün cezası esasen son bulmamakta, hükümlü cezasının kalan kısmını dışarıda gerekirse belirli yükümlülüklerle çekmeye devam etmektedir. Koşullu salıverilme ile hükümlünün gereğinden fazla cezaevinde kalmaması amaçlanmıştır. Buna göre belli suç türlerinde ve belli hallerde cezaevinde kalınması gereken süreler tespit edilmiştir. Koşullu salıverilmede süreler suçun türüne ve failin durumuna göre farklı şekillerde belirlenebilmektedir. Türk infaz hukukunda, koşullu salıverilme sonrası belirlenen denetim süresinin hem hükümlü hem de toplum açısından yararlı geçirilmesi amacıyla gerekli yasal düzenlemeler yapılmıştır. Denetim süresini iyi halli geçiren hükümlülerin ödüllendirildiği, denetim süresi içinde kendisine yüklenen yükümlülükleri yerine getirmeyen hükümlülerin ise belirli yaptırımlara maruz kaldığı bir sistem öngörülmüştür. Salıverilme sonrası denetim süresi de uslu bir şekilde geçirildiği takdirde cezanın infaz edilmiş sayılacağı düzenlenmiştir. Bu tez çalışmasında da üç bölüm halinde koşullu salıverilme kavramı ve şartları, koşullu salıverilmede süreler, koşullu salıverilme kararı ve kararın geri alınması konuları anlatılmıştır. Koşullu salıverilmede süreler konusu ise uygulamada yaşanan tereddütlerle birlikte ayrıntılarıyla incelenmiştir. -------------------- Conditional release is a procedure that was designed to allow the release of convicted persons under specified conditions, after the person has demonstrated good behavior for a pre-determined period of time while incarcerated serving a definite sentence. Upon conditional release, the original incarceration sentence of the convicted person is effectively terminated, and the convicted person serves the remainder of the sentencing period outside of prison, albeit under specified obligations. The aim of conditional release is to ensure that convicted persons are not incarcerated for periods longer than necessary. The length of necessary incarceration is determined for specific crimes and circumstances. The length of conditional release is determined according to the type of offense and the status of the perpetrator. In Turkish criminal law, legislative regulation has been enacted to facilitate a supervision period following the conditional release, which aims to benefit both the convicted person and the general public. A system has been designed whereby the convicts who demonstrate good behavior under supervision are appropriately rewarded whereas those who fail to fulfill their assigned responsibilities are reprimanded. If the conditional release is followed by good behavior during the entirety of the supervision period, the sentence is considered executed and exhausted. This thesis discusses in three parts the concept and conditions of conditional release, the sentencing lengths in conditional release, and the decisions for granting and revoking conditional release. The issue of sentencing lengths in conditional release has been analyzed in detail, considering observed hesitation in its practical applications